Expert prefabrication techniques are another reason you can trust Newjac to handle all of your Mechanical Piping and Process Pipe Fabrication projects. With over 100,000 square feet of pre-fabrication area and the latest in fabrication equipment, Newjac can assure you top quality fabrication giving you the high performance you can expect while saving you valuable time and money.

"Expert prefabrication techniques are another reason you can trust Newjac to handle all of your Mechanical Piping and Process Pipe Fabrication projects."

Process Piping Fabrication
Newjac will offer you the quality and efficiency that you expect. Few shops, if any, operate under such strict standards and cost saving procedures. Newjac will give you quality, on-time delivery, and at competitive pricing.
Capabilities Include:​
​Submerged arc welding
TIG-tungsten inert gas welding
GMAW-gas metals arc welding
Pipe grooving
​Pipe threading
Hydraulic hose fabrication
​Skid fabrication
Custom fab pipe supports
Jacketed wall piping
Custom fittings
Nationwide & overseas delivery

Mechanical Piping
Newjac offers a complete range of
services from underground plumbing to HVAC, food process, petrochemical, and
hydraulic piping installations. Our
expertise includes food & beverage, steel
mills, aerospace, state and federal
commercial building installations.
Newjac maintains membership in Mechanical
Contractors Association of America,
Mechanical Contractors Association of Indiana,
Pipe Fabrication Institute, and National
Certified Pipe Welding Bureau.